
Partner with Marconi Technologies & Become a BDA Expert!

Watch this quick video explaining how Marconi Technologies can help you with all your BDA/ERRCS projects. From the RFP, design and installation till the AHJ approval.

Listen to Vic, our VP of Business Development at Marconi Technologies. Prior to joining Marconi Technologies, Vic has been in the Electrical and Fire Alarm industry and has witnessed his previous employeer leaving many BDA projects on the table for a lack of his employeer having the knoweldge of pricing these projects.

Vic has since become one of the leading experts. His team will review each project and provide you the complete package. From the initial RFP, design and assisting with the AHJ approval(s).

Watch this one minute and twenty seconds (80 seconds) video to learn more and reach out to us to begin your BDA journey with the experts.

Reach out to us today!

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